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We have recently introduced yoga sessions to our offerings at venues and it has been ext

remely popular so far, our highly experienced yoga instructors will attend a venue of your choice and provide a yoga session for you all.

At only £15.00 pp the yoga package is an affordable option for hen parties on a budget, we also have a bride vibe yoga package if you wish to include a treatment after.

A regular issue with hen parties is they usually span a pretty diverse group of people. There will be some big spenders, and of course some that just simply can’t afford it. As the hen party organiser, planning an event that caters for everybody can be extremely challenging. And expensive!

However, a yoga package is a fun activity to provide for all group members and the instructor will offer exercises for all abilities.

5 great reasons to try yoga

  • It makes you feel better It’s a simple as that and it is why so many people get hooked on yoga. You will always feel better after a yoga class. Of course, if you start with an advanced class while still a beginner, you might end up feeling frustrated. But pick a suitable class for your level and go in with an open mind and you will feel different, better, more open, present and happier.

  • Yoga makes your body strong, supple and healthy Of course, you need to give it a chance but most people start feeling some of the physical benefits of yoga during their first class.

  • Yoga helps you quieten your mind, makes you feel calm After a yoga class I always find my state of mind has shifted. It’s like I have had a spring clean in my head. Some things have fallen into place, some things are just not there anymore at all, or I have a completely different perspective on stuff.

  • Yoga helps you to stay focused Because your mind will be quieter and clutter-free it is easier to direct the energy to where you want it to go. Yoga mostly moves me from being all over the place, to being able to focus on one thing again. In yoga they say you develop one-pointedness concentration through practice

  • Yoga helps you to accept whatever life brings to your table Life experiences are not always positive. Difficult things happen to us all and sometimes we will be in pain. Yoga has taught me that everything changes. Both the positive but also the painful things in life come and go. Knowing this and understanding this on a deeper level makes it easier to accept and stay present and positive, also through the hard times.

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